
How can we reduce waste in operations while balancing environmental, social and economic sustainability?




Business Model and Strategy
Electronic waste

Anvender du denne Green Challenge?

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Why is solving this challenge relevant for DEIF/society/the environment?

DEIF in Skive applies ISO14001 for environmental management. Through systematic environmental management, we continuously reduce the footprint in our operations by – among other things – recycling of waste. In 2023, the level of recycling reached 88% at the offices and factory in Denmark (2022: 85%).
In 2023, 55.904 kg of waste was generated at DEIF in Skive; the figure shows the waste fractions (in kg) we sort and how they are distributed among landfill, incineration, and recycling. DEIF sorts into 26 fractions, going beyond the 12 categories demanded by Danish law.

As part of our ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, DEIF has set a clear goal to reduce its total amount of waste. Over the years, we have become much more proficient at sorting our waste in a variety of fractions. But how do we take it a step further? How can we advantageously transform our waste into valuable resources? Which waste fractions are most suitable to start with?
DEIF uses Marius Pedersen for the disposal of our waste. They are also responsible for ensuring that the waste is disposed of at approved treatment facilities. However, fundamentally, we do not know exactly what happens to our recycling waste as soon as it leaves our premises. Will it be re-used directly by others? Will value be added to the material (upcycling) or will it become a material with less value (downcycling). The resource hierarchy shows the preferred order of handling waste:

However, for DEIF, reducing the total amount of waste is not only about economic (saving money) or environmental (reducing tCO2e) sustainability. We would also like to integrate social sustainability practices to effectively reduce waste at our factory in Skive. For example, if we wanted to donate food from the canteen to charities in Skive, what should we consider? Are there any regulations that might hinder such an initiative?


DEIF needs to find ways to reduce its amount of waste. You can focus on one specific waste fraction or include multiple. Please elaborate why you chose this particular fraction. Is it the most economically attractive option, is it a waste fraction where we can save a lot of CO2e, or does it contribute the most to social sustainability? Or a combination of these factors?
Consider the following when working on a solution:

Best practices: which companies have succeeded or are well on their way in transforming waste into a resource? What are the learnings for DEIF? Are there any collaboration suggestions/ possibilities?

Environmental Impact: benefits / drawbacks / awareness points / CO2 emissions?

Traceability of the waste – we must always be able to document what has happened to our waste and report this to the municipality. DEIF has now outsourced this to Marius Pedersen.

Include reflections on the effect of your solution for the different main stakeholders:
- Waste management companies
- Regulatory bodies – compliance with local, national and international waste management regulations is essential
- DEIF management/DEIF employees
- Potential partners/ partner companies

Focus of the final presentation: Implementation

What should be the result after the implementation of the suggested solution?
- A good overview of the pros and cons of the different solutions
- A clear vision of which solution(s) is (are) to be pursued
- A good understanding of the awareness points
- A catalogue of good examples to follow
- Outlined collaboration possibilities

Which competences are relevant for DEIF’s Green Challenge?
- Environmental understanding of the challenge and possible solutions
- Circular economy

About DEIF

Sustainability Report 2023


Waste Regulation (BEK nr. 573 of May 23, 2024) (in Danish only)
- GHG Protocol, category 5: Waste Generated in Operations: Ch5_GHGP_Tech.pdf (ghgprotocol.org)
- Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories (see table 9, page 6):
 Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories (epa.gov)
- The Danish National Waste Register: The Danish Energy Agency - The Danish National Waste Register (ens.dk)

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